Happy Friday everyone!
We hope you all had a great week and have exciting things planned for the weekend. A cosy evening playing board game? Or maybe a fun night out at the Gay Sauna? Whatever you’re up to, we hope you all enjoy yourselves!
We’re back with our weekly update, and figured we’d walk you through the timeline of where we are at the moment:
- Backer Surveys & Pledge Manager
More than 75% of you have already confirmed your pledges in the pledge manager – thank you! If you’ve not done this yet, please do – it doesn’t take very long and it will remain editable for some time in case you change your mind or addresses.
In case some of you were hoping to pick up an extra copy in the pledge manager and didn’t find it in the add-ons, we had a configuration issue so this wasn’t available for the first few days. It’s been fixed so it should be available by editing your add-ons in the pledge manager.
Finalising design
I’ve got to give a huge shout out to Jose who has been incredibly busy cooking up some delicious visitors for us to drool over! Thank you for all your hard work, I hope everyone loves them as much as I do.

We’ve still got a lot more graphic design to finalise, and I expect this work to continue into December as we review each component also with the latest game content and copy in mind.
Finalising copy
I had a lot of fun last weekend digging out all the old narrative text from all our previous versions to set the flavour tone and story in the game. Still in review with the team, but happy to share a handful of names for the Event Card deck:
- Tiny Condom?
- It’s called Foreplay!
- Fashionable Flip-Flops
- Red Raw
We’ll let you think about these for a while, and come back soon with a bit more context and let’s see if we’re thinking along the same lines 😉
New prototypes (for reviewers & demos)
It’s likely to be early December before we can finalise the new prototypes to send out to reviewers, but it will mean these copies are much closer to the final print version, so I think it’s worth the wait.
As for the rest, most things are still on track; however it is looking likely that the Print & Play v1 might not be finalised before the end of December, as we’re cutting it fine on getting all the assets together. I’ll do my best to see if we can release a beta version earlier on – I’ll keep you all posted in the next couple of weeks as it should become clear what’s possible and by when.
- Rules revisions
- File preparations
- Pledge manager & Preorder stores close
- Manufacturing order
- Print & Play v1 (initial publication) – potentially delayed by a few weeks
- Print & Play v2 (tidied up for easier printing)
- Receive physical copies from manufacturers
- Fulfillment
Thank you all so much for your support, we’re so thrilled that the project got so much support and to be able to continue with all the confidence in the world. It’s all down to you all, so again: Thank you!
We’ll be back next week with some more updates and artwork for you.