If you haven’t completed the backer survey yet, please can you do this as soon as possible? We’re still missing about 90 of you and these numbers will still make a big difference on our fulfillment plans.
In case you’re missing your invite, you can get a new one sent from this link:
Now that we’ve got that out of the way…
Hello everyone!
Things are still busy here at SaunaGame HQ! We’ve had some great team sessions to discuss all the awesome content we’re stuffing into the box and we’re getting more and more excited as time goes on to get the game out and onto everyone’s tables!
Finalising design & copy
We’re wrapping up the last few of our visitors, so before long we’ll have the complete set of 24! Here’s another cheeky fella while you wait for them all

Feedback Discord Server!
Throughout this journey we’ve been dependent on the continuous feedback we’ve had from playtesting and the wider community. As we reach the final stages we want to ensure we continue this and so we’ve decided to create a Gay Sauna the Board Game Discord server – initially to get feedback and have discussions on the final copy and content of the game.
If you’re interested in joining and helping us out, send me a message here on Kickstarter!
New prototypes (for reviewers & demos)
Nothing to announce here, although getting feedback through Discord would help get the content in a good shape earlier 🙂
The rest of the timeline still looks pretty much the same:
- Rules revisions
- File preparations
- Pledge manager & Preorder stores close
- Manufacturing order
- Print & Play v1 (initial publication) – potentially delayed by a few weeks
- Print & Play v2 (tidied up for easier printing)
- Receive physical copies from manufacturers
- Fulfillment
Well, that’s it from us. We hope you all have a fabulous weekend! xXx