Well, things are certainly looking rosy over at Sauna Game HQ this past week, as we’ve been busy as Christmas Elves getting things ready for you all!
Icons & illustrations
We’re now all done with our game icons – with the tribes, kinks, roles as well as all the items are ready to be played with!

Rules, rules, rules
After going through quite a few iterations here and refining the mechanics of the rules, we’re delighted to announce we’ve engaged with Chris from EntroGames who is proofing our ruleset as well as helping to make the adjustment from my native British English to American English. This was not such an easy decision, as I naturally add a U in colour and won’t apologise for my lack of Z in…well…apologise. However, with now the majority of our backers hailing from the US of A, it makes a lot of sense for the game as a whole.
Review Copies
With these changes, we’re very nearly almost ready to send off for a couple of reviewer copies. If all goes well, we should be making that order shortly after next weekend. I’ll be reaching out to those reviewers on stand-by to get address details this week.
Print n Play
I’m sorry to report that the Print n Play timeline has slipped a bit due to my illness last month. We’re working hard to get all the assets in place and I’ll be preparing the Print n Play Beta version at the same time as our Review Copies.
This first Beta version won’t have all the final graphic designs – so if you’re planning on creating a longer term version for yourself, I recommend you wait for a later version that will come once we have finalised the manufacturing files. But this will include the final ruleset and all the final content – it just won’t look quite as pretty as the final version will.
Pledge Manager
As mentioned last week, the Pledge Manager is open until 10th January, when we’ll be closing it off ready to prepare all the fulfillment options and nail down exactly what needs to go where. Most backers have completed their surveys already – but if you’re one of the 40 who haven’t, please do take a moment.
In case you’ve got any questions or have any problems with the process, please let me know. I’m happy to work with you to workaround any issues you might have if it works out easier for you.
Twenty Twenty Three!
We’re a week into the New Year and the excitement is incredible. Jose is zooming forwards with all the graphics and it’s coming together so nicely there are days when I’m struggling to contain myself.
I can’t say it enough, but all of this is thanks to you all! Your support for the project has been incredible and we really can’t wait to see the final product on your tabletops and hear the laughter across the globe as you fight your way through the Gay Sauna tallying up your scores in the biggest hookup contest ever!
Until next week – take care, enjoy and happy gaming!