IMPORTANT: Add-Ons and Pre-Orders purchased through the pledge manager will be charged on Monday 16th January!
Hello everyone, we hope you’re enjoying 2023 and are doing well with your own personal resolutions and goals! For ourselves, we’re not adding to our load by trying dry January this year, but we salute all those making the effort! So, between the occasional drink, we’re keeping ourselves busy finalising everything.
Pledge Manager: Pre-Order & Add-On Charging
We’ve closed the pledge manager and locked orders – this now gives us pretty much all the information we need. On Monday, we’ll be charging cards for all Pre-Order backers as well as for any Add-Ons that were added to pledges in the pledge manager.
Note that this doesn’t include shipping costs yet. We are still working on our shipping options and expect to share more details about shipping charges and the process before the end of January!
We’ve stepped quite a bit forwards here, after the awesome help from Chris at EntroGames, we ran things through with our Discord group who had a few more valuable pointers. We were then able to run a blind playtest this Tuesday which went well but did point out one big omission…this is why you always playtest folks!
With all this input, we’re not pretty much ready with the rules, so now moving onto the layout and graphics.
We’re already now running through the process to create all the cards in their final format. The Visitor templates are all ready and being generated now and we’ve also got the final designs for the backs of all three of our card decks!

The upgraded Engraved dice were Jose’s favourite stretch goal during the campaign, but…well you see, dice engraving can only be done with a single colour per side. So all our existing icon designs needed to be reworked in concept.
Now that the work is all done and verified, I think it might be again his favourite, but I’m pretty sure if you’d have asked him at the beginning of the week he’d have given you a different answer 😉

We got a bit further with Review Copies in the past week (and Print n Play beta as a result), so we’re on the lookout for Reviewers! We’ve got a couple on the list, but I will admit none of these are from the LGBTQIA+ community or produce content for the community. For sure getting these reviews is also important to us, but we’d also like to get some perspective from the key audience we designed the game for.
We’ve reached out to several so far, but no success stories to date. So if you know LGBTQIA+ game reviewers, please give them a heads up and ask them to get in touch!
Insta Naming
In case you’ve missed it, we’re collecting suggestions for all our Visitor Characters on Instagram @saunagame, so head over there and check out our posts from the past week and let us know your name suggestions!
Well that’s it for this week – if we’ve missed anything you’d like to hear about, please let us know in the comments.
Take care everyone, stay warm (if it’s Winter where you are) and enjoy the world’s jealousy if you’re lucky enough to be anywhere sunny!