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[Kickstarter update #30] Sorry for the late update folks!

It’s been a really busy few weeks for us here, with both progress on the game and other life events. I’m really sorry that meant we missed an update last week, but know that work for sure hasn’t stopped!

We’re on the last couple of assets – I’m currently reviewing the final event and mischief cards while Jose has almost finished the cruising area designs. After this, it’s a couple of tokens and the game board!

The rules are also nearly finalised and are being reviewed at the moment.

I’ll be pulling all of this together next weekend and publishing the first version of the Print & Play. I’m sorry this is later than promised, I hadn’t really realised how closely connected it all was, and figured I’d be able to use some existing assets for things, but without re-doing a lot of the rules, it wasn’t really possible to wrap it up together.

I’m also still waiting on quotes for shipping – I figure this is post-season backlog, but reminders will be sent this week and I’ll be publishing estimates as soon as possible (hopefully in the next update).

Please let me know if there’s anything you’re curious about or are waiting to get more info on. Juggling a lot of different things, so I’m expecting some stuff to slip through the cracks. But whilst it seems like we’re delayed, we’re still on track to get the games to us and ship them out to you all in May!

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