[Kickstarter update #32] Shipping Info Update

Hello everyone!

Again I need to apologise as we missed another update last week. As a result of this, we’ve made the decision to reduce our updates here to every 2 weeks. This will not only save me time, but also remove the guilt I end up carrying with me all week when I miss one. If anything super urgent or important comes up we’ll ensure we post ASAP, but most things can wait a while before being announced, so I don’t think anyone will miss out.

We have been very busy since the last update – Jose is wrapping up the board artwork which is looking amazing, and I’ve spent most of my time focused on the shipping details (more on that shortly).

The most important and awesome thing that happened was last weekend. Jose (who now lives in Vancouver) spent a couple of days with us here in Amsterdam! It was the first time we were able to meet in person, and we had such a blast hanging out, getting to know each other and doing a bit of partying too. Before you ask – no, we didn’t go to the Gay Sauna together, we’ll save that adventure to the next time we meet up 😀 We did manage a trip to my favourite party in Amsterdam called Blue at Club Church – a crazy kooky clubbing experience with a really unique vibe. If you’re ever in town a strongly recommend this for a Thursday night.


By far the biggest challenge in this whole project has been the complex shipping conundrum. I’ve spent a good part of the last months analysing so many different options for how to get your games out to you all in the most efficient and cost effective manner. This is at least for now finalised with the current shipping estimates already loaded into the pledge manager (BackerKit).

The actual shipping charges won’t be taken until we’re closer to sending things out, and I will continue to investigate options that might improve the costs for some backers. Specifically I’m not happy with the current charges for APAC and also some European countries, but while I’m waiting on some more info and quotes I didn’t want to hold up the process for everyone else. The current is the absolute maximum you will be charged.

BackerKit currently won’t display the upcoming charges to you very easily, but if you go to your survey and click to Edit your Address, you should see an order total listed (the shipping will be listed as being charged later, but the total will be non-zero). Access your survey here.

We’ll only be collecting shipping charges in April when the games are ready to be shipped out. So if you’ve got questions or concerns, there is time for us to resolve these in the meantime.

That’s all we’ve got for this update – in 2 weeks our next update will include an update to our Print n Play version including some modifications we’ve made thanks to feedback from some of you.

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