Hi everyone
Quite a lot has happened this past 2 weeks, so I’ll just jump right in and get on with this info packed update!
Print n Play
I’ve just uploaded an update to the Print n Play files to the Pledge Manager. I don’t expect this to be the final-final version, but we’re getting close! I’ve made a few small changes to the rulebook based on feedback we’ve had – no game changes (literally), just minor edits for clarification. I’ve also added numbers to the dice table at the back of the rulebook to make it easier to use a normal D6 dice. The components are also now on A4 PDFs that I’m hoping should make the printing process a lot smoother. Please get in touch if you have any problems with printing.
Reviewer Copies
The reviewer copies have started to land on doorsteps, so we’re excited to hear that the content creators are already hard at work putting together some videos of the game! We’ll be making as much noice about this as possible when they launch – really hope they have fun and enjoy the game. We did have a couple of hiccups with the printing process for these (not enough of some components), luckily the final games will go through a much more rigorous testing process and each mistake now of course helps us to learn.

We are unfortunately still waiting on a couple of pieces of info before we can make updates to the shipping costs, but I can already confirm that it’s very likely backers around Europe without add-ons will likely see a bit of a reduction in the costs as we’re pretty certain we’ll be fitting into a lower weight class than we had originally estimated.
I’ve also been in touch with BackerKit and now the shipping fees should be more visible within the interface for you all. Due to the beta feature we’re making use of, these were hidden and so pretty confusing, but now if you view your pledge details through BackerKit and go to the section to change your address, you should see the estimated shipping fees clearly identified.
North America Fulfilment
We’re also delighted to announce that we will be partnering with Bridge Distribution for our North American fulfilment. We’re so happy that this worked out for us as this has a whole host of advantages for us as a company and to our backers in the region. We’ll be sending about half of the games we get printed over to their warehouses once printed and they’ll be handling the fulfilment to both US and Canada on an ongoing basis. This has allowed us to quote a much reasonable shipping cost and hopefully a much smoother process through customs. A big shout out to Matt and David from Bridge for their help in getting to this agreement.
Gayming Group
One of the things I’m proud of this past two weeks is launching a new edition of the LGBTQ+ Board Gaming events I host: Board Gaymers in Amsterdam. We started back in 2019 and have been hosting twice-per-month gaming events at our favourite bar hangout called Prik (it actually means bubbles in Dutch, but the pun is certainly intended). This event is lots of fun and is an awesome way for us to hang out and get some games in on a Tuesday evening.
We are however growing as a group, so last Sunday was our first XL edition hosted as an awesome meeting space called LOADS.Amsterdam. We had 26 happy gaymers join in on the fun playing tonnes of games all day – including of course a near-mandatory game of Gay Sauna!

If you’re nearby or ever visiting, come join us for one of our events and meet our awesome growing members (now that pun was accidental). You can find out more on our website at https://rerollworks.com.
Well, that’s all for now hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!